Unit 9 - Family


Primary 2 - Lesson 6 - We Have Special Families - LatterdayVillage


  • At the end of the class, Englis learners will learn to identify the different members of a family.


  1. Warm-up: Knock - Knock
  2.  Do "Teacher's Family Photos Time"
  3. Make "My Family Tree" Posters
  4. Make and play with Finger Puppets
  5. Audiobook: The family Book- read by Sherry
  6. Clouser: Homework



This can be used at the beginning of each class. Teach the students to knock on the door before entering the classroom. There are 2 variations for the next step:
  1. When the student knocks, the teacher says "Who's there?". The student replies "It's (Jaliana)" and then the teacher says "Come in (Jaliana)".
  2. When the student knocks the teacher must guess who it is "Is that (Jaliana)?". The student replies yes or no - if no, the teacher continues guessing. Having your students develop their own knocking styles makes this even more fun.

Ask, Seek, Knock" Bible Lesson from Matthew 7


If you can bring in photos of your family, this is a great activity to do. Also, try to encourage your students to bring in photos of their family - you'll need to arrange this with the parents before the lesson. If you can't bring in photos, draw 7 squares on the top of your board in a row. Hold up a photo of yourself and ask "Who is this?". Elicit that it is you, stick the photo inside the middle square and write your name under the photo.
Next, take out another photo (e.g. your father) and again ask "Who is this?". Elicit and teach the family vocabulary and stick the photo in one of the squares and write the word (e.g. "father") under the photo. Do for all of the following: father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother - you may not have some of these family members, but you can use photos of friends, etc., and pretend they are your brother, grandmother, etc.
Alternative: If you can't bring in family photos: instead of using your family photos, cut out pictures of people from magazines and pretend they are your family members.

Do "Teacher's Family Photos Time" activity


Give out a piece of colored construction paper/card to each student. They are each going to make a family tree poster of their family. Begin by demonstrating the activity - with a green and brown crayon draw a large tree, filling up the whole piece of paper. At the top write in large letters "My family". Then, either stick your photos family photos onto the tree or draw pictures of your family (grandparents at the top, next to your parents and you and your siblings at the bottom). Finally, under each family member's photo/picture write the vocabulary (grandfather, mother, etc.).

Now get your students to do the same, encourage them to draw pictures of their family members. 

Finally, have each student pin their poster to the walls of the classroom. Ask each student questions (e.g. Is that your mother? What is your brother's name? How old is your sister?).

family tree clipart png - Family Tree 5 Members Clipart - Family ...


Ask students to print and cut out the finger puppets, have your students color the puppets. Then attach the puppets to each students' fingers by taping the straps around the finger - 3 puppets on each hand.
Next, check everyone understands which puppet is which - say "Everybody wiggle grandfather" - make sure you are wearing your finger puppets as well so you can demonstrate. Go through each puppet, wiggling fingers. Then play a quick game: say "Wiggle the sister" and everyone has to quickly wiggle the right one. Do for a few rounds until everyone has got the hang of it.

Make and play with Finger PuppetsFinger Family Paper Finger Puppets - PRINTABLE PDF Toy - DIY Craft ...



HOMEWORK: Whit the help of their parents, students will write a story about his/her family.

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